Overstrand Municipality again performed well above average in its drinking water quality management, according to the 2023 Blue Drop Watch report that was released by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) on 6 June 2023.
This ‘Watch’ report is published prior to the planned July release of the full 2023 Blue Drop Report, which will include a complete assessment of the state of all drinking water systems in the country and seeks to keep the public updated and informed on the status of drinking water infrastructure and water quality.
The Preekstoel Water Treatment Works (WTW) received an overall performance indicator score of 94%, placing the municipality in the 5th position in the Western Cape.
The top system with the best condition in the Western Cape is Faure (managed by the City of Cape Town, with 98%).
Preekstoel was the only water treatment system that was inspected in the Overstrand area.
The Watch report states that Preekstoel serves the Greater Hermanus area, with ± 70 000 people. This plant, as well as the other systems from the Overstrand Municipality is operated and maintained by a private operator, Veolia.
The DWS report further indicated that it is clear that a healthy working relationship is in place between these two entities, resulting in a very good final water quality – 98.5% microbiological compliance and 100% for chemical compliance.